Explore data offers in Energy Community

The Energy community includes data related to the production, supply, consumption, trading and costs of energy, which can used to improve and optimise current activities, but also to design and implement the sustainable power-generating activities of the future.

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There are currently 7 data offers in the Energy community

New Data for Education | MIG Tech


MIG Tech on Databroker

new data for energy community | MIG Tech

North America South America

MIG Tech on Databroker

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ftp://ftp.databrokerglobal.webhosting.be/dxc.pdf | MIG Tech


MIG Tech on Databroker

Climate data | Settlemint


Settlemint on Databroker

Energy monitoring data | WPD Energy

United Kingdom

WPD Energy on Databroker

Building energy monitoring | Phoenix Contact


Phoenix Contact on Databroker

Worlwide oil production data dzedzezede | Nearshop sprl


Nearshop sprl on Databroker